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Going greener—CISDI to rebuild TISCO’s secondary stockyard

Date:2018/5/9 Source: CISDI

TISCO has once again awarded a stockyard contract to CISDI.

The latest order for Taiyuan Iron and Steel is for the redesign and construction of a secondary stockyard.

CISDI rebuilt the primary stockyard to much improved environmental standards and it was successfully started up in August 2017.

The secondary stockyard will mainly supply materials to serve the blending of Fe-bearing raw materials for the sinter plant. It covers a floor area of around 71,000 square metres and has a maximum span of 147 metres. The project will be challenging, as space is limited. The construction site is adjacent to the plant’s thawing storehouse, blending and proportioning bins, belt conveyors, transfer towers and wind break.

The stockyard will be modified into a more environment-friendly enclosed structure. An area of 63,000 square metres will be under cover.

To cope with the largest of its single-span steel structures, CISDI will use pre-stressed beam string structures and a cumulative slip method of construction, enveloping the roofing with stainless steel boards.

The scope of work will include rebuilds of the technological facilities, yards and related utilities and will provide a new reference for CISDI’s online modification expertise on an EPC basis.

An artist’s impression of the TISCO blending stockyard, which is to be modified online to much improved environmental standards